Pregnancy Blog 1: We are pregnant!

Pregnancy Blog 1: We are pregnant!

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We are pregnant with our first baby! 

We are currently 15 weeks along, which is within the second trimester. Our current due date is June 21, 2020. 

We got a positive test mid-October (week 4) and told our immediate families at Thanksgiving (week 10).  During the first trimester, the “rule of thumb” for telling people about your pregnancy is to only tell people who you also would be comfortable telling if you had a miscarriage.  This is why we have waited until now, week 15, to tell everyone.

Some FAQs…

Were we trying?

Yes, we pulled the goalie after our honeymoon (August 2019) and are apparently very fertile!  More blog posts coming soon on how we did it. ;) If they’re up, they’ll be linked here! 


No major or out-of-the-ordinary  “cravings” yet, just my normal, trash eating habits. Although, I have never wanted margaritas, craft beer, or wine as much in my life as I do now.  No morning sickness either. I do attribute some of my lack of morning sickness to taking my Prenatal Vitamin at bedtime when I am still full from dinner or bedtime snack, then sleeping while it digests.  The big symptom I struggle with is that I don’t have as much energy in a day as I used to and I fatigue at the gym much more quickly. (A blog post on fitness & pregnancy coming soon. If up, it will be linked here!) I had a ton of fatigue and lethargy in the first few weeks, probably through about week 11, that just strapped me to the couch all day long. During that time, I struggled with some aversion to foods I normally eat and appetite decrease. It has definitely gotten better though! I feel mostly “normal” now. 

Doctor’s Appointments?

We had our first appointment at week 9 (a week before Thanksgiving 2019), then another appointment mid-December 2019, and we have another appointment scheduled for mid-January and a sonogram scheduled for the end of January 2020. The sonogram will tell us the sex since it will take place around 20 weeks. We have opted out of all genetic testing, but I still have to do bloodwork and have my pee tested. 

Are you having a boy or a girl?

At this point, we do not yet know the sex of our baby, but we do intend to find out! We will not be doing a gender reveal party, though. 

A Note on Announcing

A pro-tip I learned about announcing a pregnancy is that people struggling with infertility often hurt when others have success.  This is a totally valid emotion and should be one that newly pregnant people take into consideration when telling everyone about their pregnancy —you may never know someone is struggling.  Since I had a very small circle that I wanted to tell immediately, I texted those people individually and told them to text me when they were awake/available. I took a photo of the positive pregnancy test and sent it to them individually when they responded. Is a text message the most exciting way to announce it? No. But is it sensitive to those who might not scream with joy immediately upon receiving the news? Yes.  It gives people a chance to process before responding and not be put on the spot with the weight of expectation. Then, if they want to call you and talk excitedly, they totally can. 

Announcing a pregnancy can be really exciting, just don’t forget that not everyone you tell will respond with matching excitement, and that is totally okay. 

What do you want to know about our pregnancy?  Leave your comments below. More posts about our pregnancy coming soon!  For now, the countdown to baby is on! Only 24 weeks to go!

Custom Onesie courtesy of Sam!

Custom Onesie courtesy of Sam!

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Pregnancy Blog 2: First Trimester Update

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