1 Year Since I Clocked Out

1 Year Since I Clocked Out

On March 8, 2019 I left my full-time job.  I have been on my own for 1 whole year.

In that year I have started a new work gig - selling real estate, which I do “full-time.” I’ve sold (and purchased 😅) clothing on Poshmark. I’ve launched my blog on SquareSpace. I’ve become a board member for a local non-profit. I’ve traveled to South Carolina, Indianapolis, Atlantic City, and Hershey. I got married. I got pregnant. And I somehow managed it all without a consistent paycheck. And BOY was that a challenge. But was it worth it?  Absolutely. 


Leaving my full-time 9-5 job gave me the opportunity to use my brain in a way that my brain enjoyed and functioned effectively.  It is SO clear to me now, in hindsight, that my brain doesn’t like waking up early, getting prepared, and being stationary. My brain likes to be spontaneous and messy and it likes to do it on its own time. For me, this looks like sitting here typing this because I woke up this morning (without an alarm clock) and knew this is what I wanted to write today.  So I peed, walked downstairs to my laptop and started writing this. I took ten breaks to watch a YouTube video, make coffee, take pics of my coffee cup and post on Instagram, shop for a baby mobile on Etsy, and feed the cat. I opened and a million different Google Chrome tabs (I am getting better at closing them!). I still have my sleepy clothes on and am covered with a blanket for warmth. Sometimes my days will look like this and my brain is happy, somedays look different and that’s good, too. I enjoy the variable nature of what I’m doing now that I just couldn’t make happen when I was still punching the clock at my full-time job. 

I closed 5 real estate transactions in 2019 and although it wasn’t my most lucrative year I sure gained a ton of knowledge.  Obviously, I learned the basics of real estate but because the profession is a one-man show situation for me, I also learned a lot about marketing and fostering a brand on social media to attract people to buy my service. I will be honing those crafts forever in the everchanging landscape of social media, but at least I got started for now. My own work style also started to develop once I got away from a structured office work position. I knew “working for the man” was not my style but I didn’t really know what was until I got the space to try different methods.  It has only been a year so I haven’t completely nailed anything down but I can say that I try to time block and utilize habit stacking. My bullet journal is still my trusty sidekick because I cannot remember anything that I do not write down.

Once I got the hang of some of the real estate skills and tasks, I started to create systems that will hopefully lead me to an enhanced client experience portfolio in 2020. As I create a resource that works well I post it to my Etsy store for sale as a digital download. 

I finally did some Poshmark closet sourcing (because I needed more stuff stored in my house) and it was a lot of fun.  Sam and I made a day of it! ...and we have a new addiction to Plato’s Closet. 

I did not perfect a blogging system by any means… I have published some blog posts but I have half-written waaay more. Pushing more content is a 2020 goal of mine.  It has felt good to get the blog posts written, or even half-written, as an outlet for my emotions and thoughts. Since I am not really working outside the home most of the time I am alone in the silence a lot and that conflicts with my extroverted nature.  Sometimes just writing a half-baked post about the concept I’m ruminating on is just the outlet I need. Maybe someday those posts will see the light of day, maybe not. Who wants to hear me whine and rant in a blogger-meets-academic-writing-meets-creative-non-fiction ish style kind of way?  Comment below if you legit do want that content. 

It was a scary move to quit having a reliable, consistent income.  But when I considered the complete lack of upward mobility if I stayed in that job I knew I had to take a risk.  I have 6 years of retail experience so I knew if things got really bad I could go back to retail easily.


If you are sitting in a job right now that’s driving you crazy and you’re listening to The Goal Digger Podcast and spending evenings and weekends on freebie webinars, filling up your inbox with subscriptions, and dreaming about getting out - I remember that feeling so vividly.  I know the fears that go through your head and the weight you feel. I can’t tell you the weight disappears when you quit the job and jump, but the weight shifts. It shifts to a place where it’s no longer holding you down in one place but instead pushing you forward. It motivates you to DO the dang thing. That weight has space for play, space for mishaps, space for rest, and most importantly, space for success that FEELS like success. Not success that a boss praises you for but the success that fills YOU up. Maybe it isn’t instagrammable success, or even quantitative. Maybe it’s just the kind of success that makes your heart feel good. That’s always the kind of success I’ve been chasing. 

I chased it in college, getting an education degree because the students made my heart happy.  I chased it at my specialty retail job through the customers’ happiness. 

I chased it at my non-profit job by bringing our consumers joy through community. 

I chased it by volunteering with a local non-profit because putting action to our mission gives me purpose.

I chased it right into the real estate industry where I get to help people find their own space to truly rest. 

I chased it into blogging so I could get out the feelings and thoughts on my mind and heart in a way that made me feel heard. 

When the guru’s advice is “find your why” they really mean that.  When they tell you to scream your “why” from the rooftops they mean it. Of course, it’s good for business because it makes your business a person and that’s what people buy into, but more than that, it will help you keep your heart in the right place. 

I wanted to write this post to commemorate a whole year on my own. I haven’t had a consistent paycheck, and honestly, I haven’t had a consistent work ethic, but I have had one hell of a freeing year. This jump isn’t for the faint of heart but it is completely worth it. I want to see you write a post in a year. I am cheering for you. If no one else believes in your goals or no one else even knows this is in your heart, I am sending you all the good vibes and strength you need to just give it a try.

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