A Letter to My Son

A Letter to My Son

Dear Baby,⁣
Your time in my belly is coming to an end. A long 9 months it has been. When I think back to October when we found out you were in there I remember completely different times. ⁣

My world isn't like that now, Baby. ⁣
I don't want to lament on how the world used to be because I think the world you'll be born into will be better. You'll be born into a world in transition. A society learning to manage a "new normal" and growing from a rare opportunity of rebirth. If this society can take this moment for all it's worth we will make the world a better place. A safer place. A more hygienic place. A more caring place. A more equal place. A more educated place. A less hateful place. A less divided place. ⁣
A world where we know we are all in this together, treating each other with dignity and respect, recognizing the racism, sexism, discrimination, and other disadvantages that exist and working toward more equality every day. A society caring for each other with compassion instead of judgment. More activism and volunteerism, less microagressions and bullying.⁣

The world the way I dream it to be starts with my heart and how I raise you, Baby. We can start being part of the solution right now. ⁣
I can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to see you change the world.⁣

Love, ⁣

Oden's Birth Story

Oden's Birth Story

Pregnancy and Baby Resource List!

Pregnancy and Baby Resource List!