Pregnancy and Baby Resource List!

Pregnancy and Baby Resource List!

Here’s a list of the resources I found to be helpful during pregnancy as I prepare for baby! I am posting this during my pregnancy so I will add any other resources I find to the list as I deem them helpful.  If you found a particular resource to be helpful during your pregnancy please put them in the comments! If you’re a mom, I need your suggestions for the most helpful new parent resources down in the comments, too!  


Bridget Teyler

Nurse Zabe


  • I started with her Lovevery review video which was awesome, but stuck around because all her baby-related content.

  • I am pretty sure she said the tip about testing products on yourself first before using them on baby, like with wipes, etc. that I love!



Crib Regulations






  • If you’re (already) anxious about not giving your kid a complex about their genitals and sex life then this account is for you.  They are constantly giving great advice about approaching puberty, genitals, and sex. 


Facebook Groups

In addition to the resources I have listed above, I also joined Facebook groups pertinent to my specific pregnancy.  I am in a June 2020 babies group, Pregnant during Covid-19, Montessori parenting, and two breastfeeding groups.  There are lots out there!


Montessori From the Start

By:  Paula Polk Lillard, Lynn Lillard Jessen

A book discussing the use of Montessori Methods at home from birth.

Aubrey Maternity 038.jpg
A Letter to My Son

A Letter to My Son

Pregnancy Blog 3: Second Trimester Update

Pregnancy Blog 3: Second Trimester Update